Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers in Victoria

Academia International | 399 Lonsdale St, Melbourne VIC 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 02634E

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of AccountingAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of HospitalityAdvanced Diploma102
Advanced Diploma of Hospitality ManagementAdvanced Diploma102
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and ManagementAdvanced Diploma50
Certificate III in Aged CareCertificate III26
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III50
Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and CareCertificate III38
Certificate III in HairdressingCertificate III52
Certificate III in Home and Community CareCertificate III23
Certificate III in Individual SupportCertificate III38
Certificate III in PatisserieCertificate III50
Certificate III in PatisserieCertificate III45
Certificate IV in AccountingCertificate IV38
Certificate IV in Aged CareCertificate IV38
Certificate IV in Ageing SupportCertificate IV38
Certificate IV in Beauty TherapyCertificate IV61
Certificate IV in BusinessCertificate IV28
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV79
Certificate IV in HairdressingCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in PatisserieCertificate IV79
Certificate IV in Spoken and Written English – Further StudiesCertificate IV24
Diploma of AccountingDiploma38
Diploma of Beauty TherapyDiploma78
Diploma of BusinessDiploma52
Diploma of Early Childhood Education and CareDiploma92
Diploma of HospitalityDiploma79
Diploma of Hospitality ManagementDiploma79
Diploma of Leadership and ManagementDiploma50
Diploma of MarketingDiploma28
Diploma of Marketing and CommunicationDiploma52
Diploma of Salon ManagementDiploma30
Diploma of Salon ManagementDiploma52
English for Academic Purposes (Intermediate to Advanced) 5-20 weeksNon AQF Award20
English for General Purposes ( Beginner to Advanced) 2 – 60 Weeks (OS24088VIC)Non AQF Award60
English for IELTS Preparation (Intermediate to Advanced) 5-20 weeksNon AQF Award20

Academies Australasia Polytechnic | 628 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 02439G

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of AccountingAdvanced Diploma96
Advanced Diploma of HospitalityAdvanced Diploma40
Advanced Diploma of Hospitality ManagementAdvanced Diploma48
Advanced Diploma of Information TechnologyAdvanced Diploma96
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and ManagementAdvanced Diploma48
Advanced Diploma of Marketing and CommunicationAdvanced Diploma45
Advanced Diploma of Program ManagementAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of Travel and Tourism ManagementAdvanced Diploma110
Bachelor of Business (Leadership and Management)Bachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality ManagementBachelor Degree156
Certificate II in BusinessCertificate II13
Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and TechnologyCertificate II13
Certificate III in Accounts AdministrationCertificate III26
Certificate III in BusinessCertificate III13
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III52
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III52
Certificate III in HospitalityCertificate III52
Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and TechnologyCertificate III13
Certificate IV in AccountingCertificate IV48
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV78
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV78
Certificate IV in Information TechnologyCertificate IV36
Certificate IV in Leadership and ManagementCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in Marketing and CommunicationCertificate IV33
Certificate IV in Travel and TourismCertificate IV45
Diploma of AccountingDiploma72
Diploma of HospitalityDiploma40
Diploma of Hospitality ManagementDiploma48
Diploma of Information TechnologyDiploma72
Diploma of Leadership and ManagementDiploma48
Diploma of Marketing and CommunicationDiploma45
Diploma of Project ManagementDiploma52
Diploma of Travel and Tourism ManagementDiploma86
English for Academic Purposes 1 (Upper to Intermediate)Non AQF Award10
English for Academic Purposes 2 (Advanced)Non AQF Award10
General English – Beginner to Advanced (5-50 weeks)Non AQF Award50
IELTS Preparation Intermediate to Upper Intermediate (5-10 weeks)Non AQF Award10

Academy of Design Australia | 150 Oxford St, Collingwood VIC 3066 | CRICOS Provider Code 02201G

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Associate Degree of Design ArtsAssociate Degree104
Bachelor of Design ArtsBachelor Degree156

Academy of Information Technology | 13/120 Spencer St, Melbourne VIC 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 02155J *

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Associate Degree Digital DesignAdvanced Diploma104
Associate Degree in Information Technology (Games Programming)Associate Degree104
Associate Degree in Information Technology (Mobile Application Development)Associate Degree104
Associate Degree of Interactive MediaAssociate Degree70
Bachelor of Digital Design (Accelerated)Bachelor Degree104
Bachelor of Digital Design (Standard)Bachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Information Technology (Mobile Applications Development) (Standard)Bachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Information Technology (Games Programming)Bachelor Degree154
Bachelor of Information Technology (Mobile Applications Development) (Accelerated)Bachelor Degree104
Bachelor of Interactive Media (Accelerated)Bachelor Degree104
Bachelor of Interactive Media (Standard)Bachelor Degree156
Diploma of BusinessDiploma34
Diploma of Digital DesignDiploma52
Diploma of Digital Media TechnologiesDiploma53
Diploma of Information TechnologyDiploma52
Diploma of Interactive MediaDiploma52
Diploma of Interior Design and DecorationDiploma47
Diploma of Software DevelopmentDiploma53

Acumen Institute of Further Education | 11 Elizabeth St, Richmond VIC 3121 | CRICOS Provider Code 03090B

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of AccountingAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of BusinessAdvanced Diploma30
Advanced Diploma of HospitalityAdvanced Diploma104
Advanced Diploma of Hospitality ManagementAdvanced Diploma104
Certificate I in EAL (Access)Certificate I30
Certificate II in EAL (Access)Certificate II30
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III52
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III52
Certificate III in EAL (Further Study)Certificate III30
Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical TechnologyCertificate III52
Certificate IV in AccountingCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical DiagnosisCertificate IV22
Certificate IV in BusinessCertificate IV22
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV64
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV64
Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study)Certificate IV30
Diploma of AccountingDiploma42
Diploma of Automotive TechnologyDiploma37
Diploma of BusinessDiploma30
Diploma of HospitalityDiploma64
Diploma of Hospitality ManagementDiploma64
General English (Elementary to Advanced)Non AQF Award70

Ad Astra Institute | Level 2, 600 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3004 | CRICOS Provider Code 03615M

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of Hospitality ManagementAdvanced Diploma81
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III52
Certificate III in PatisserieCertificate III43
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV78
Diploma of Hospitality ManagementDiploma104

AGB Training | 31 Barwon Terrace, South Geelong VIC 3220 | CRICOS Provider Code 03356C

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction DesignAdvanced Diploma53
Advanced Diploma of Community Sector ManagementAdvanced Diploma65
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and ManagementAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of Program ManagementAdvanced Diploma43
Certificate III in Education SupportCertificate III61
Certificate IV in Alcohol and Other DrugsCertificate IV61
Certificate IV in BusinessCertificate IV39
Certificate IV in Civil Construction DesignCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Community ServicesCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Education SupportCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in LogisticsCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Marketing and CommunicationCertificate IV39
Certificate IV in Mental HealthCertificate IV61
Diploma of Alcohol and Other DrugsDiploma61
Diploma of Civil Construction DesignDiploma61
Diploma of Community ServicesDiploma61
Diploma of CounsellingDiploma61
Diploma of Leadership and ManagementDiploma52
Diploma of LogisticsDiploma52
Diploma of Mental HealthDiploma61
Diploma of Project ManagementDiploma39

Albright Institute of Business and Language | Level 8, 341-345 Queen Street, Melbourne 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 03553J

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and ManagementAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of Program ManagementAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of TranslatingAdvanced Diploma24
Diploma of BusinessDiploma52
Diploma of Interpreting (LOTE-English)Diploma24
Diploma of Leadership and ManagementDiploma52
Diploma of Marketing and CommunicationDiploma52
Diploma of Project ManagementDiploma52
English for Academic PurposesNon AQF Award12
General English (Starter, Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate, Upper intermediate, AdvancedNon AQF Award72
IELTS (Foundation, Advnaced)Non AQF Award24
Pearson Test of English (PTE) AcademicNon AQF Award12

Alpha International College Australia Pty Ltd | Level 8 500 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 03633J

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and CareCertificate III52
Certificate IV in Leadership and ManagementCertificate IV42
Diploma of Early Childhood Education and CareDiploma108

Angad Australian Institute of Technology Pty Ltd | Level 6, 501 Latrobe Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 02970M

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and ManagementAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of Marketing and CommunicationAdvanced Diploma52
Certificate I in EAL (Access)Certificate I26
Certificate II in EAL (Access)Certificate II26
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III52
Certificate III in EAL (Further Study)Certificate III26
Certificate IV in BusinessCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV78
Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study)Certificate IV26
Certificate IV in Human ResourcesCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in Information TechnologyCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Marketing and CommunicationCertificate IV26
Diploma of Hospitality ManagementDiploma78
Diploma of Human Resources ManagementDiploma26
Diploma of Information TechnologyDiploma52
Diploma of Leadership and ManagementDiploma52
Diploma of Marketing and CommunicationDiploma52

Ashton College Pty Ltd | 213 Nicholson St, Footscray VIC 3011 | CRICOS Provider Code 03142F

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of Event ManagementAdvanced Diploma72
Certificate III in Automotive Diesel Engine TechnologyCertificate III72
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III52
Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical TechnologyCertificate III82
Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical DiagnosisCertificate IV30
Certificate IV in BusinessCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV78
Certificate IV in Leadership and ManagementCertificate IV26
Diploma of Automotive TechnologyDiploma26
Diploma of Hospitality ManagementDiploma72
Diploma of Leadership and ManagementDiploma52
English for Academic PurposesNon AQF Award42
English For High School PreparationNon AQF Award46
General EnglishNon AQF Award62

Atlantis College of Management | 14/474 Flinders St, Melbourne VIC 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 03482G

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of BusinessAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of Marketing and CommunicationAdvanced Diploma72
Certificate II in EAL (Access)Certificate II26
Certificate III in EAL (Access)Certificate III30
Diploma of BusinessDiploma52
Diploma of Human Resources ManagementDiploma52
Diploma of Marketing and CommunicationDiploma52

Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College | 169 Plenty Rd, Preston VIC 3072 | CRICOS Provider Code 02933E

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of Community Sector ManagementAdvanced Diploma70
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and ManagementAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of NursingAdvanced Diploma36
Certificate II in EAL (Access)Certificate II26
Certificate III in EAL (Further Study)Certificate III26
Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and CareCertificate III50
Certificate III in Individual SupportCertificate III52
Certificate IV in Ageing SupportCertificate IV75
Certificate IV in DisabilityCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study)Certificate IV26
Certificate IV in Leadership and ManagementCertificate IV40
Certificate IV in Leisure and HealthCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Mental HealthCertificate IV49
Diploma of Community ServicesDiploma100
Diploma of Early Childhood Education and CareDiploma116
Diploma of Leadership and ManagementDiploma52
Diploma of Mental HealthDiploma88
Diploma of NursingDiploma80
Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled – Division 2 Nursing)Diploma78

Australian Careers Education | 347-351 Victoria Street, Brunswick, Victoria 3056 | CRICOS Provider Code 03219A

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of BusinessAdvanced Diploma52
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III52
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III52
Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical TechnologyCertificate III52
Certificate IV in BusinessCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV84
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV81
Diploma of BusinessDiploma26
Diploma of HospitalityDiploma74
Diploma of Hospitality ManagementDiploma74

Australian Centre of Further Education Pty Ltd | L5/341 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 03377J

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Certificate III in Aged CareCertificate III50
Certificate III in Individual SupportCertificate III52
Certificate IV in Aged CareCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Ageing SupportCertificate IV68
Certificate IV in International TradeCertificate IV32
Certificate IV in Leadership and ManagementCertificate IV40
Diploma of Dental TechnologyDiploma96
Diploma of International BusinessDiploma52
Diploma of Leadership and ManagementDiploma52
Diploma of NursingDiploma104

Australian City Design College | 802/343 Little Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 03684J

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Certificate IV in BusinessCertificate IV26
Diploma of Leadership and ManagementDiploma52
Diploma of Marketing and CommunicationDiploma52
Diploma of Screen and MediaDiploma52

Australian College of Agriculture & Horticulture | 55 Swanston St, Melbourne VIC 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 02494A

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of Agribusiness ManagementAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of Agribusiness ManagementAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of AgricultureAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of Conservation and Land ManagementAdvanced Diploma74
Certificate III in Production HorticultureCertificate III52
Certificate III in Production HorticultureCertificate III52
Certificate III in Production NurseryCertificate III52
Certificate III in Production NurseryCertificate III52
Certificate IV in Parks and GardensCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Parks and GardensCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Production HorticultureCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Production HorticultureCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Production NurseryCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Production NurseryCertificate IV52
Diploma of Agribusiness ManagementDiploma52
Diploma of Agribusiness ManagementDiploma52
Diploma of AgricultureDiploma52
Diploma of AgricultureDiploma52
Diploma of Landscape DesignDiploma52
Diploma of Landscape DesignDiploma52
Diploma of Production HorticultureDiploma52
Diploma of Production HorticultureDiploma52
Diploma of Production Nursery ManagementDiploma52
Diploma of Production Nursery ManagementDiploma52
Graduate Certificate in Applied Agricultural ProductionGraduate Certificate26
Professional EnglishNon AQF Award54

Australian College of the Arts | 55 Brady St South Melbourne 3205 | CRICOS Provider Code 03392K *

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Bachelor of Applied Business (Fashion Marketing)Bachelor Degree104
Bachelor of Arts (Audio Production)Bachelor Degree104
Bachelor of Arts (Audio Production) and Bachelor of Applied Business (Entertainment Management)Bachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Arts (Content Creation)Bachelor Degree104
Bachelor of Arts (Entertainment Management)Bachelor Degree104
Bachelor of Arts (Music Production)Bachelor Degree104
Bachelor of Arts (Music)Bachelor Degree104
Bachelor of Arts (Music) and Bachelor of Applied Business (Entertainment Management)Bachelor Degree156
Diploma of Applied Business (Fashion Marketing)Diploma40
Diploma of Arts (Audio Production)Diploma40
Diploma of Arts (Content Creation)Diploma40
Diploma of Arts (Entertainment Management)Diploma40
Diploma of Arts (Music Production)Diploma40
Diploma of Arts (Music)Diploma40
Diploma of Entertainment JournalismDiploma52

Australian College of Trade Pty Ltd | 859 High St, Thornbury VIC 3071 | CRICOS Provider Code 03082B

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of Hospitality ManagementAdvanced Diploma108
Certificate II in Security OperationsCertificate II6
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III56
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III56
Certificate III in Financial ServicesCertificate III50
Certificate III in HospitalityCertificate III23
Certificate III in Security OperationsCertificate III5
Certificate IV in AccountingCertificate IV47
Certificate IV in BookkeepingCertificate IV47
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV78
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV78
Certificate IV in HospitalityCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in HospitalityCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Leadership and ManagementCertificate IV50
Diploma of AccountingDiploma49
Diploma of HospitalityDiploma78
Diploma of Hospitality ManagementDiploma78
Diploma of Leadership and ManagementDiploma56

Australian Conservatoire of Ballet | 4/2 Bromham Pl, Richmond VIC 3121 | CRICOS Provider Code 02020B

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of Dance (Elite Performance)Advanced Diploma98

Australian Education Academy | 10 Blissington St, Springvale VIC 3171 | CRICOS Provider Code 02633F

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of BusinessAdvanced Diploma78
Advanced Diploma of Hospitality ManagementAdvanced Diploma102
Certificate I in EAL (Access)Certificate I26
Certificate II in EAL (Access)Certificate II26
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III52
Certificate III in EAL (Further Study)Certificate III26
Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical TechnologyCertificate III52
Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical DiagnosisCertificate IV33
Certificate IV in BusinessCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV78
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV78
Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study)Certificate IV26
Diploma of Automotive TechnologyDiploma52
Diploma of BusinessDiploma52
Diploma of Hospitality ManagementDiploma78
Diploma of Leadership and ManagementDiploma52

Australian Healthcare Qualifications and Training | 6 Slater Parade, East Keilor VIC 3033 | CRICOS Provider Code 03688E

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Certificate III in Individual SupportCertificate III52
Certificate IV in Ageing SupportCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in DisabilityCertificate IV26

Australian Industrial Systems Institute | 1/398 Lonsdale St, Melbourne VIC 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 02838D

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of Building and Construction (Management)Advanced Diploma39
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and ManagementAdvanced Diploma46
Certificate III in Automotive Electrical TechnologyCertificate III52
Certificate III in BusinessCertificate III16
Certificate III in CarpentryCertificate III52
Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical TechnologyCertificate III52
Certificate III in Painting and DecoratingCertificate III52
Certificate III in PlumbingCertificate III52
Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical OverhaulingCertificate IV23
Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building)Certificate IV52
Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Site Management)Certificate IV52
Certificate IV in BusinessCertificate IV16
Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study)Certificate IV22
Certificate IV in Plumbing and ServicesCertificate IV52
Diploma of Automotive TechnologyDiploma26
Diploma of Building and Construction (Building)Diploma78
Diploma of Building and Construction (Management)Diploma78
Diploma of Leadership and ManagementDiploma52
English for Academic Purposes (Intermediate)Non AQF Award28

Australian Institue of Engineering | 27 Docker Street, WANGARATTA VIC 3677 | CRICOS Provider Code 03685G

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication TradeCertificate III63
Certificate III in Engineering – Mechanical TradeCertificate III62
Certificate IV in EngineeringCertificate IV84
Diploma of Engineering – Advanced TradeDiploma108

Australian Institute of Entrepreneurship | 1/367 Victoria St, Abbotsford VIC 3067 | CRICOS Provider Code 02999J

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of Hospitality ManagementAdvanced Diploma102
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and ManagementAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of Management (Human Resources)Advanced Diploma52
Certificate I in EAL (Access)Certificate I30
Certificate II in EAL (Access)Certificate II30
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III64
Certificate III in EAL (Access)Certificate III30
Certificate III in PatisserieCertificate III52
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV87
Certificate IV in New Small BusinessCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in PatisserieCertificate IV80
Diploma of Hospitality ManagementDiploma83
Diploma of Human Resources ManagementDiploma52
Diploma of Leadership and ManagementDiploma52
General EnglishNon AQF Award68

Australian Institute of Technical Training | 3a/475-483 Flinders Ln, Melbourne VIC 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 02868J

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of HospitalityAdvanced Diploma104
Advanced Diploma of Hospitality ManagementAdvanced Diploma104
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and ManagementAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of MarketingAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of Marketing and CommunicationAdvanced Diploma104
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III52
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III52
Certificate III in EAL (Further Study)Certificate III26
Certificate III in HairdressingCertificate III52
Certificate III in HairdressingCertificate III52
Certificate III in Individual SupportCertificate III52
Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical TechnologyCertificate III52
Certificate III in Print CommunicationsCertificate III52
Certificate IV in Ageing SupportCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical DiagnosisCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in BusinessCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV78
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV78
Certificate IV in Community ServicesCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study)Certificate IV26
Certificate IV in HairdressingCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in Marketing and CommunicationCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Massage TherapyCertificate IV26
Diploma of Automotive ManagementDiploma52
Diploma of Beauty TherapyDiploma52
Diploma of Community ServicesDiploma104
Diploma of Community Services WorkDiploma104
Diploma of HospitalityDiploma104
Diploma of Hospitality ManagementDiploma104
Diploma of International BusinessDiploma52
Diploma of Leadership and ManagementDiploma52
Diploma of MarketingDiploma52
Diploma of Marketing and CommunicationDiploma78
Diploma of Printing and Graphic ArtsDiploma52
Diploma of Remedial MassageDiploma52
Diploma of Salon ManagementDiploma52
Diploma of Salon ManagementDiploma26

Australian Learning Group Pty Ltd | Level 1, 183 Bouverie Street Carlton, VIC 305 | CRICOS Provider Code 03071E

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Certificate III in Assistant Dance TeachingCertificate III52
Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and CareCertificate III39
Certificate III in FitnessCertificate III52
Certificate III in Individual SupportCertificate III39
Certificate IV in Ageing SupportCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Dance Teaching and ManagementCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in DisabilityCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in FitnessCertificate IV37
Certificate IV in Massage TherapyCertificate IV37
Diploma of Community ServicesDiploma104
Diploma of CounsellingDiploma78
Diploma of Early Childhood Education and CareDiploma104
Diploma of FitnessDiploma62
Diploma of Mental HealthDiploma104
Diploma of Remedial MassageDiploma104
Diploma of Sport and Recreation ManagementDiploma52
Diploma of Sports and Recreation ManagementDiploma52

Australian Learning, Training & Education Centre | 574 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne VIC 3004 | CRICOS Provider Code 02926D

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of AccountingAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of AccountingAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of BusinessAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and ManagementAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of MarketingAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of Marketing and CommunicationAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of Network SecurityAdvanced Diploma52
Certificate I in EAL (Access)Certificate I25
Certificate II in EAL (Access)Certificate II25
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III52
Certificate III in EAL (Further Study)Certificate III25
Certificate IV in AccountingCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Accounting and BookkeepingCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in BookkeepingCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in BusinessCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV78
Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study)Certificate IV25
Certificate IV in Information Technology NetworkingCertificate IV52
Diploma of AccountingDiploma52
Diploma of AccountingDiploma52
Diploma of BusinessDiploma52
Diploma of Hospitality ManagementDiploma78
Diploma of Information Technology NetworkingDiploma52
Diploma of Leadership and ManagementDiploma52
Diploma of MarketingDiploma52
Diploma of Marketing and CommunicationDiploma52

Australian National College of English | 474 Flinders St, Melbourne VIC 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 03134F

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Business English (Intermediate)Non AQF Award25
Business English (Upper Intermediate)Non AQF Award25
General English (Elementary)Non AQF Award18
General English (Intermediate)Non AQF Award18
General English (Upper Intermediate)Non AQF Award18
IELTS Test Preparation (Intermediate)Non AQF Award12
IELTS Test Preparation (Upper-intermediate)Non AQF Award12

Australian National College | 58 Franklin St, Melbourne VIC 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 03009M

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of BusinessAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and ManagementAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of MarketingAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of Marketing and CommunicationAdvanced Diploma104
Certificate III in BusinessCertificate III52
Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and CareCertificate III52
Certificate III in Print CommunicationsCertificate III52
Certificate III in RetailCertificate III52
Certificate III in Retail SupervisionCertificate III52
Certificate IV in BusinessCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Marketing and CommunicationCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Printing and Graphic ArtsCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in Retail ManagementCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Retail ManagementCertificate IV52
Diploma of BusinessDiploma52
Diploma of Community ServicesDiploma104
Diploma of Early Childhood Education and CareDiploma104
Diploma of International BusinessDiploma52
Diploma of Leadership and ManagementDiploma52
Diploma of MarketingDiploma52
Diploma of Marketing and CommunicationDiploma78
Diploma of Printing and Graphic ArtsDiploma52
Diploma of Retail LeadershipDiploma52
Diploma of Retail ManagementDiploma52
General English – Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced (10-40 weeks)Non AQF Award52

Australian National Institute of Business & Technology | 474 Flinders St, Melbourne VIC 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 02506B

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of BusinessAdvanced Diploma24
Advanced Diploma of HospitalityAdvanced Diploma86
Advanced Diploma of Hospitality ManagementAdvanced Diploma86
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and ManagementAdvanced Diploma52
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III56
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III56
Certificate III in PatisserieCertificate III46
Certificate III in PatisserieCertificate III46
Certificate IV in Business AdministrationCertificate IV24
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV68
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV72
Certificate IV in New Small BusinessCertificate IV24
Certificate IV in PatisserieCertificate IV68
Certificate IV in PatisserieCertificate IV68
Certificate IV in Project Management PracticeCertificate IV22
Diploma of BusinessDiploma24
Diploma of HospitalityDiploma62
Diploma of Hospitality ManagementDiploma62
Diploma of Leadership and ManagementDiploma52
Diploma of Project ManagementDiploma48

Australian Online Institute | 108 Bourke Street Melbourne VIC 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 02679C

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of Information TechnologyAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and ManagementAdvanced Diploma100
Certificate II in EAL (Access)Certificate II36
Certificate III in EAL (Further Study)Certificate III36
Certificate IV in BusinessCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study)Certificate IV36
Certificate IV in Information TechnologyCertificate IV52
Diploma of BusinessDiploma87
Diploma of Information TechnologyDiploma52

Australian Pacific College | Level 4, 398 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 03297J

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of AccountingAdvanced Diploma49
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and ManagementAdvanced Diploma49
Advanced Diploma of Management (Human Resources)Advanced Diploma37
Advanced Diploma of Marketing and CommunicationAdvanced Diploma49
Advanced Diploma of Program ManagementAdvanced Diploma49
Business English Course (Intermediate to Upper Intermediate) (2 to 12 weeks)Non AQF Award12
CAE Preparation (Upper Intermediate)Non AQF Award12
Certificate II in BusinessCertificate II13
Certificate II in Customer EngagementCertificate II25
Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and TechnologyCertificate II37
Certificate II in TourismCertificate II25
Certificate III in BusinessCertificate III25
Certificate III in HospitalityCertificate III37
Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and TechnologyCertificate III49
Certificate III in TravelCertificate III37
Certificate IV in AccountingCertificate IV49
Certificate IV in Communicative TESOLCertificate IV10
Certificate IV in Communicative TESOLCertificate IV25
Certificate IV in Communicative TESOLCertificate IV10
Certificate IV in HospitalityCertificate IV49
Certificate IV in Human ResourcesCertificate IV49
Certificate IV in Leadership and ManagementCertificate IV49
Certificate IV in Marketing and CommunicationCertificate IV49
Certificate IV in Project Management PracticeCertificate IV25
Diploma of AccountingDiploma49
Diploma of BusinessDiploma36
Diploma of Hospitality ManagementDiploma77
Diploma of Human Resources ManagementDiploma25
Diploma of Leadership and ManagementDiploma49
Diploma of Marketing and CommunicationDiploma49
Diploma of Project ManagementDiploma49
Diploma of Social Media MarketingDiploma49
Diploma of Systems Analysis and DesignDiploma49
Diploma of Travel and Tourism ManagementDiploma77
English for Academic Purposes (4-30 weeks)Non AQF Award30
English for Academic Purposes (Intermediate to Advanced) (4 to 26 weeks)Non AQF Award20
English for Tourism and Hospitality (Upper Intermediate to Advanced)Non AQF Award12
English Language Programs (Beginner to Advanced) (1 to 52 weeks)Non AQF Award52
English Language Programs (Beginner to Advanced) (1-77 Weeks)Non AQF Award84
FCE Preparation (Intermediate to Advanced)Non AQF Award12
General English (Beginner to Advanced) (4 to 52 weeks)Non AQF Award52
High School Preparation Course (Beginner to Advanced) (4 to 52 weeks)Non AQF Award52
IELTS Preparation Course (Intermediate to Advanced)Non AQF Award12
Preparation Course for BEC 2 (Intermediate to Upper Intermediate) (2 to 10 weeks)Non AQF Award10
Preparation Course for BEC 3 (Upper Intermediate to Advanced) (2 to 10 weeks)Non AQF Award10
Tertiary Preparation Program (TPP) (IELTS 5.5 or equivalent)Non AQF Award40
TOEFL Preparation (Intermediate to Advanced)Non AQF Award12

Australian School Of Commerce | Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 03489A

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of AccountingAdvanced Diploma78
Advanced Diploma of BusinessAdvanced Diploma78
Certificate I in EAL (Access)Certificate I38
Certificate II in EAL (Access)Certificate II38
Certificate III in EAL (Further Study)Certificate III38
Certificate IV in BusinessCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study)Certificate IV38
Diploma of AccountingDiploma52
Diploma of BusinessDiploma52
Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)Graduate Diploma52

Australian Study Link Institute | 123 Lonsdale St, Melbourne VIC 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 03483G

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of BusinessAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of Hospitality ManagementAdvanced Diploma92
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and ManagementAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of Marketing and CommunicationAdvanced Diploma52
Certificate I in EAL (Access)Certificate I26
Certificate II in EAL (Access)Certificate II26
Certificate III in BusinessCertificate III52
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III52
Certificate III in EAL (Further Study)Certificate III26
Certificate IV in BusinessCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV78
Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study)Certificate IV26
Certificate IV in Leadership and ManagementCertificate IV40
Certificate IV in Marketing and CommunicationCertificate IV26
Diploma of BusinessDiploma26
Diploma of Hospitality ManagementDiploma70
Diploma of Leadership and ManagementDiploma52
Diploma of Marketing and CommunicationDiploma50

Australian Technical And Management College | 399 Lonsdale St, Melbourne VIC 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 03013D

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of BusinessAdvanced Diploma52
Certificate II in EAL (Access)Certificate II25
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III52
Certificate III in EAL (Further Study)Certificate III25
Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and CareCertificate III48
Certificate III in Individual SupportCertificate III45
Certificate IV in Ageing SupportCertificate IV64
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV78
Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study)Certificate IV25
Certificate IV in Information TechnologyCertificate IV52
Diploma of BusinessDiploma52
Diploma of Early Childhood Education and CareDiploma104
Diploma of Hospitality ManagementDiploma86
Diploma of Information TechnologyDiploma52
English for Academic Purposes (EAP 1&2)Non AQF Award24
General EnglishNon AQF Award47

Australian Vocational Education & Training Academy | 51 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 02826G

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of BusinessAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of Hospitality ManagementAdvanced Diploma92
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and ManagementAdvanced Diploma50
Certificate I in EAL (Access)Certificate I26
Certificate II in EAL (Access)Certificate II26
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III52
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III52
Certificate III in EAL (Employment)Certificate III26
Certificate III in EAL (Further Study)Certificate III26
Certificate IV in BusinessCertificate IV34
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV78
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV76
Certificate IV in EAL (Employment / Professional)Certificate IV26
Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study)Certificate IV26
Certificate IV in Leadership and ManagementCertificate IV33
Diploma of BusinessDiploma52
Diploma of Hospitality ManagementDiploma68
Diploma of Leadership and ManagementDiploma47

Barkly International College | 377 Lonsdale St, Melbourne VIC 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 03136D

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and ManagementAdvanced Diploma50
Advanced Diploma of Marketing and CommunicationAdvanced Diploma60
Certificate I in EAL (Access)Certificate I26
Certificate II in EAL (Access)Certificate II26
Certificate III in EAL (Further Study)Certificate III26
Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mecahnical TechnologyCertificate III60
Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical TechnologyCertificate III60
Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical DiagnosisCertificate IV34
Certificate IV in BusinessCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study)Certificate IV26
Certificate IV in MarketingCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in Marketing and CommunicationCertificate IV32
Diploma of BusinessDiploma26
Diploma of MarketingDiploma26
Diploma of Marketing and CommunicationDiploma52

Baxter Institute | Level 10, 399 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 02233M

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of AccountingAdvanced Diploma53
Advanced Diploma of BusinessAdvanced Diploma45
Certificate I in EAL (Access)Certificate I28
Certificate II in EAL (Access)Certificate II28
Certificate II in Retail Baking AssistanceCertificate II28
Certificate II in Retail CosmeticsCertificate II27
Certificate III in Accounts AdministrationCertificate III28
Certificate III in Beauty ServicesCertificate III40
Certificate III in BusinessCertificate III18
Certificate III in EAL (Further Study)Certificate III30
Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication TradeCertificate III62
Certificate III in HairdressingCertificate III63
Certificate III in HairdressingCertificate III78
Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical TechnologyCertificate III64
Certificate III in Nail TechnologyCertificate III52
Certificate III in Retail Baking (Bread)Certificate III40
Certificate III in Retail Baking (Cake and Pastry)Certificate III52
Certificate III in Retail Baking (Combine)Certificate III62
Certificate IV in AccountingCertificate IV50
Certificate IV in Advanced BakingCertificate IV38
Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical DiagnosisCertificate IV28
Certificate IV in Beauty TherapyCertificate IV62
Certificate IV in BusinessCertificate IV28
Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study)Certificate IV28
Certificate IV in EngineeringCertificate IV80
Certificate IV in Food ProcessingCertificate IV68
Certificate IV in HairdressingCertificate IV27
Certificate IV in HairdressingCertificate IV27
Certificate IV in Information TechnologyCertificate IV52
Diploma of AccountingDiploma41
Diploma of Beauty TherapyDiploma85
Diploma of BusinessDiploma38
Diploma of Dental TechnologyDiploma98
Diploma of Dental TechnologyDiploma96
Diploma of Information TechnologyDiploma52
Diploma of Salon ManagementDiploma27
Diploma of Salon ManagementDiploma54

Bayside College | 55 Acland St St Kilda VIC 3182 | CRICOS Provider Code 02847C

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
General English 1-60 WeeksNon AQF Award60
IELTS Exam PreparationNon AQF Award12

Bendigo TAFE | 23 Mundy St, Bendigo VIC 3550 | CRICOS Provider Code 01218G

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of Applied Fashion Design and TechnologyAdvanced Diploma152
Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural)Advanced Diploma130
Advanced Diploma of Computer Systems EngineeringAdvanced Diploma104
Advanced Diploma of Computer Systems TechnologyAdvanced Diploma48
Advanced Diploma of Fashion and Textiles MerchandisingAdvanced Diploma120
Advanced Diploma of HospitalityAdvanced Diploma50
Advanced Diploma of Hospitality ManagementAdvanced Diploma50
Advanced Diploma of Management (Human Resources)Advanced Diploma80
Advanced Diploma of Travel and TourismAdvanced Diploma26
Certificate III in Aged CareCertificate III19
Certificate III in BusinessCertificate III22
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III50
Certificate III in Conservation and Land ManagementCertificate III24
Certificate III in Conservation and Land ManagementCertificate III24
Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication TradeCertificate III48
Certificate III in HairdressingCertificate III43
Certificate III in Health Services AssistanceCertificate III14
Certificate III in HorticultureCertificate III34
Certificate III in HorticultureCertificate III34
Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and TechnologyCertificate III23
Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical TechnologyCertificate III52
Certificate III in PatisserieCertificate III50
Certificate III in TourismCertificate III26
Certificate IV in Allied Health AssistanceCertificate IV22
Certificate IV in Applied Fashion Design and TechnologyCertificate III50
Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical DiagnosisCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building)Certificate IV46
Certificate IV in BusinessCertificate IV19
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV50
Certificate IV in Computer Systems TechnologyCertificate IV48
Certificate IV in Conservation and Land ManagementCertificate IV42
Certificate IV in Conservation and Land ManagementCertificate IV42
Certificate IV in DesignCertificate IV43
Certificate IV in HospitalityCertificate IV50
Certificate IV in HospitalityCertificate IV50
Certificate IV in Human ResourcesCertificate IV22
Certificate IV in Information Technology NetworkingCertificate IV41
Certificate IV in PathologyCertificate IV19
Certificate IV in PatisserieCertificate IV50
Certificate IV in Travel and TourismCertificate IV52
Diploma of Aircraft Maintenance Engineering – Mechanical TB1Diploma104
Diploma of Applied Fashion Design and TechnologyDiploma102
Diploma of Automotive TechnologyDiploma26
Diploma of Beauty TherapyDiploma42
Diploma of Building and Construction (Building)Diploma104
Diploma of Business AdministrationDiploma26
Diploma of Engineering – TechnicalDiploma52
Diploma of Fashion and Textiles MerchandisingDiploma102
Diploma of Graphic DesignDiploma43
Diploma of HospitalityDiploma50
Diploma of Hospitality ManagementDiploma50
Diploma of Human Resources ManagementDiploma22
Diploma of Information Technology NetworkingDiploma42
Diploma of LogisticsDiploma52
Diploma of NursingDiploma104
Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled-Division 2 nursing)Diploma77
Diploma of Travel and TourismDiploma26
Diploma of Visual MerchandisingDiploma78
Elementary ANon AQF Award10
Elementary BNon AQF Award10
English for Academic Purposes 1Non AQF Award10
English for Academic Purposes 2Non AQF Award10
General English (Beginners to Advanced)Non AQF Award50
IELTS Preparation Intermediate to Advanced 5-40 WeeksNon AQF Award49
Intermediate ANon AQF Award10
Intermediate BNon AQF Award10
Pre-intermediate ANon AQF Award10
Pre-intermediate BNon AQF Award10

Biba Academy of Hairdressing | 236 Johnston Street, Fitzroy, VIC, 3065 | CRICOS Provider Code 01709K

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Certificate III in BarberingCertificate III91
Certificate III in HairdressingCertificate III91
Certificate IV in HairdressingCertificate IV14
Certificate IV in HairdressingCertificate IV14
SIH30111 – Certificate III in HairdressingCertificate III56

Box Hill Institute (TAFE) | 465 Elgar Rd, Box Hill VIC 3128 | CRICOS Provider Code 02411J *

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural)Advanced Diploma130
Advanced Diploma of Computer Systems TechnologyAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of Cyber SecurityAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of Graphic DesignAdvanced Diploma52
Associate Degree in Applied Business in Music IndustryAssociate Degree104
Associate Degree in Applied MusicAssociate Degree104
Associate Degree in Computer SystemsAssociate Degree104
Associate Degree in FashionAssociate Degree104
Associate Degree in Fashion MerchandisingAssociate Degree104
Associate Degree in Hospitality ManagementAssociate Degree104
Associate Degree in ScienceAssociate Degree104
Associate Degree in Sound ProductionAssociate Degree104
Associate Degree of Commerce (Applied)Associate Degree104
Bachelor of Applied Business in Music IndustryBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Applied Music (Audio Production)Bachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Applied Music (Composition)Bachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Applied Music (Performance)Bachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Biosecurity ScienceBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Commerce (Applied)Bachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Community ServicesBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Computer SystemsBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Early Childhood EducationBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of FashionBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Fashion MerchandisingBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Hospitality ManagementBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Library and Information ManagementBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Science and BiotechnologyBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Sound ProductionBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Sustainable Built EnvironmentsBachelor Degree156
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III52
Certificate III in Individual SupportCertificate III36
Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical TechnologyCertificate III52
Certificate III in PatisserieCertificate III52
Certificate IV in AccountingCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical DiagnosisCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in BusinessCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in Computer Systems TechnologyCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Cyber SecurityCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in DesignCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in HospitalityCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in Information TechnologyCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Laboratory TechniquesCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Live Production and Technical ServicesCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in PatisserieCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in Photography and Photo ImagingCertificate IV20
Diploma of AccountingDiploma26
Diploma of Automotive TechnologyDiploma26
Diploma of Aviation (Commercial Pilot Licence – Aeroplane)Diploma58
Diploma of Aviation (Instrument Rating)Diploma13
Diploma of Beauty TherapyDiploma78
Diploma of BusinessDiploma26
Diploma of Community ServicesDiploma78
Diploma of Computer SystemsDiploma52
Diploma of Early Childhood Education and CareDiploma78
Diploma of Graphic DesignDiploma52
Diploma of Hospitality ManagementDiploma26
Diploma of Information Technology NetworkingDiploma52
Diploma of Information Technology Systems AdministrationDiploma52
Diploma of Laboratory TechnologyDiploma104
Diploma of Library and Information ManagementDiploma52
Diploma of Live Production and Technical ServicesDiploma52
Diploma of NursingDiploma78
Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled-Division 2 nursing)Diploma78
Diploma of Photography and Photo ImagingDiploma52
Diploma of Software DevelopmentDiploma52
Diploma of Sound ProductionDiploma52
Diploma of Sport DevelopmentDiploma52
Diploma of Website DevelopmentDiploma52
ELICOS for Academic PurposesNon AQF Award40
ELICOS for General EnglishNon AQF Award40
English for Health (OET Preparation)Non AQF Award20
Graduate Diploma of Cyber SecurityGraduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma of Music (Contemporary Practice)Graduate Diploma52
Master of Cyber SecurityMasters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Music (Contemporary Practice)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (Senior)Senior Secondary Certificate of Education52

Brighton Institute of Technology | 380 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 02552G

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of Hospitality ManagementAdvanced Diploma130
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and ManagementAdvanced Diploma70
Certificate II in Kitchen OperationsCertificate II26
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III52
Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical TechnologyCertificate III52
Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical DiagnosisCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV78
Certificate IV in HospitalityCertificate IV54
Certificate IV in Leadership and ManagementCertificate IV34
Diploma of Automotive ManagementDiploma52
Diploma of Hospitality ManagementDiploma104
Diploma of Leadership and ManagementDiploma52
English for Academic PurposesNon AQF Award52
General EnglishNon AQF Award52
IELTS PreparationNon AQF Award12

Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre (BMTC) | 115 Camp Rd, Broadmeadows VIC 3047 | CRICOS Provider Code 02015K

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Graduate Diploma in MeteorologyGraduate Diploma40

Byron Yoga Centre | 110-112 Argyle St FITZROY VIC | CRICOS Provider Code 03418E

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Certificate IV in Yoga TeachingCertificate IV50
Diploma of Purna Yoga ManagementDiploma128

Cambridge International College | 108 Lonsdale St. Melbourne VIC 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 01718J

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and ManagementAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of Marketing and CommunicationAdvanced Diploma52
Certificate IV in AccountingCertificate IV34
Certificate IV in Leadership and ManagementCertificate IV34
Certificate IV in Marketing and CommunicationCertificate IV52
Diploma of AccountingDiploma50
Diploma of Leadership and ManagementDiploma50
Diploma of Marketing and CommunicationDiploma52

Central Australian College | 8/10 Cross St, West Footscray VIC 3012 | CRICOS Provider Code 03217C

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and ManagementAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of MarketingAdvanced Diploma26
Advanced Diploma of Marketing and CommunicationAdvanced Diploma52
Certificate I in EAL (Access)Certificate I26
Certificate II in EAL (Access)Certificate II26
Certificate III in EAL (Further Study)Certificate III26
Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical TechnologyCertificate III52
Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical DiagnosisCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in BusinessCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study)Certificate IV26
Certificate IV in MarketingCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in Marketing and CommunicationCertificate IV26
Diploma of Automotive ManagementDiploma52
Diploma of Automotive TechnologyDiploma26
Diploma of Leadership and ManagementDiploma52
Diploma of MarketingDiploma26
Diploma of Marketing and CommunicationDiploma52
Graduate Certificate in Management (Learning)Graduate Certificate26
Graduate Diploma of Strategic LeadershipGraduate Diploma52
English for Academic Purpose – INon AQF Award11
English for Academic Purpose – IINon AQF Award11
General English Level 1Non AQF Award11
General English Level IINon AQF Award11

Central Melbourne Institute | 460 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 03351G

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and ManagementAdvanced Diploma78
Certificate I in EAL (Access)Certificate I26
Certificate II in EAL (Access)Certificate II26
Certificate III in EAL (Further Study)Certificate III26
Certificate III in FitnessCertificate III52
Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study)Certificate IV26
Certificate IV in FitnessCertificate IV78
Certificate IV in Leadership and ManagementCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Massage TherapyCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Project Management PracticeCertificate IV26
Diploma of Leadership and ManagementDiploma52
Diploma of Project ManagementDiploma50
Diploma of Remedial MassageDiploma104

Chisholm Institute (TAFE) | 121 Stud Rd, Dandenong VIC 3175 | CRICOS Provider Code 00881F *

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma in Screen and MediaAdvanced Diploma84
Advanced Diploma of AccountingAdvanced Diploma20
Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural)Advanced Diploma117
Advanced Diploma of Computer Systems EngineeringAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of Computer Systems TechnologyAdvanced Diploma31
Advanced Diploma of Electronics and Communications EngineeringAdvanced Diploma96
Advanced Diploma of Engineering TechnologyAdvanced Diploma32
Advanced Diploma of Graphic DesignAdvanced Diploma26
Advanced Diploma of Hospitality ManagementAdvanced Diploma14
Advanced Diploma of Information TechnologyAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of JusticeAdvanced Diploma52
Advanced Diploma of Network SecurityAdvanced Diploma42
Advanced Diploma of Travel and TourismAdvanced Diploma24
Advanced Diploma of Travel and Tourism ManagementAdvanced Diploma42
Bachelor of Community Mental Health, Alcohol and Other DrugsBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of DesignBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Engineering TechnologyBachelor Degree156
Certificate II in Computer Assembly and RepairCertificate II20
Certificate III in Aged CareCertificate III23
Certificate III in Air-conditioning and RefrigerationCertificate III25
Certificate III in Automotive Body Repair TechnologyCertificate III52
Certificate III in Automotive Refinishing TechnologyCertificate III52
Certificate III in Beauty ServicesCertificate III39
Certificate III in CarpentryCertificate III42
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III46
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III46
Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and CareCertificate III22
Certificate III in Electronics and CommunicationsCertificate III48
Certificate III in Engineering – Electrical/ElectronicsCertificate III52
Certificate III in Engineering – Refrigeration & Air ConditioningCertificate III52
Certificate III in Engineering (Fabrication Trade)Certificate III40
Certificate III in Engineering (Mechanical Trade)Certificate III52
Certificate III in HairdressingCertificate III82
Certificate III in HairdressingCertificate III74
Certificate III in Health Services AssistanceCertificate III26
Certificate III in Home and Community CareCertificate III23
Certificate III in Individual SupportCertificate III19
Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and TechnologyCertificate III20
Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical TechnologyCertificate III48
Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical TechnologyCertificate III48
Certificate III in PatisserieCertificate III46
Certificate III in PatisserieCertificate III40
Certificate III in TourismCertificate III24
Certificate III in TravelCertificate III21
Certificate IV in AccountingCertificate IV20
Certificate IV in Aged CareCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Alcohol and Other DrugsCertificate IV48
Certificate IV in Alcohol and Other DrugsCertificate IV42
Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical DiagnosisCertificate IV48
Certificate IV in BusinessCertificate IV24
Certificate IV in Business AdministrationCertificate IV20
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV22
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in Computer SystemsCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Computer Systems TechnologyCertificate IV31
Certificate IV in DesignCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Digital and Interactive GamesCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Digital Media TechnologiesCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in DisabilityCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Electronics and CommunicationsCertificate IV74
Certificate IV in EngineeringCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Information TechnologyCertificate IV48
Certificate IV in Information Technology NetworkingCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Information Technology SupportCertificate IV42
Certificate IV in JusticeCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in Laboratory TechniquesCertificate IV46
Certificate IV in Leadership and ManagementCertificate IV20
Certificate IV in Legal ServicesCertificate IV23
Certificate IV in Library and Information ServicesCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Make-upCertificate IV13
Certificate IV in Mental HealthCertificate IV42
Certificate IV in Mental HealthCertificate IV48
Certificate IV in PathologyCertificate IV16
Certificate IV in PatisserieCertificate IV26
Certificate IV in PatisserieCertificate IV35
Certificate IV in Photography and Photo ImagingCertificate IV48
Certificate IV in ProgrammingCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning SystemsCertificate IV25
Certificate IV in Screen and MediaCertificate IV42
Certificate IV in Travel and TourismCertificate IV24
Certificate IV in Travel and TourismCertificate IV21
Certificate IV in Visual ArtsCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Web-Based TechnologiesCertificate IV52
Certificate IV in Youth WorkCertificate IV48
Diploma of AccountingDiploma20
Diploma of Air-conditioning and Refrigeration EngineeringDiploma25
Diploma of Alcohol and Other DrugsDiploma70
Diploma of Automotive ManagementDiploma24
Diploma of Automotive ManagementDiploma24
Diploma of Beauty TherapyDiploma104
Diploma of Building and Construction (Building)Diploma52
Diploma of Building and Construction (Building)Diploma104
Diploma of Business AdministrationDiploma20
Diploma of Community DevelopmentDiploma87
Diploma of Community ServicesDiploma87
Diploma of Community Services (Alcohol, other drugs and mental health)Diploma96
Diploma of Community Services WorkDiploma104
Diploma of Computer Systems EngineeringDiploma48
Diploma of Digital and Interactive GamesDiploma104
Diploma of Early Childhood Education and CareDiploma65
Diploma of Electronics and Communications EngineeringDiploma74
Diploma of Electronics and Communications EngineeringDiploma48
Diploma of Engineering – Advanced TradeDiploma48
Diploma of Engineering TechnologyDiploma32
Diploma of ESI – Power SystemsDiploma96
Diploma of ESI – Power Systems OperationsDiploma20
Diploma of Event ManagementDiploma35
Diploma of EventsDiploma23
Diploma of Graphic DesignDiploma52
Diploma of HospitalityDiploma23
Diploma of Hospitality ManagementDiploma23
Diploma of Information Technology NetworkingDiploma52
Diploma of JusticeDiploma26
Diploma of Laboratory TechnologyDiploma92
Diploma of Leadership and ManagementDiploma20
Diploma of Legal ServicesDiploma26
Diploma of Library and Information Services (CUL50111)Diploma52
Diploma of Mental HealthDiploma70
Diploma of NursingDiploma78
Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled-Division 2 Nursing)Diploma75
Diploma of Screen and MediaDiploma44
Diploma of Software DevelopmentDiploma52
Diploma of Specialist Make-Up ServicesDiploma52
Diploma of Sport DevelopmentDiploma44
Diploma of Travel and TourismDiploma34
Diploma of Travel and Tourism ManagementDiploma21
Diploma of Visual ArtsDiploma52
Diploma of Website DevelopmentDiploma52
Diploma of Youth WorkDiploma48
General English – AdvancedNon AQF Award10
General English – IntermediateNon AQF Award10
General English – Pre-IntermediateNon AQF Award10
General English – Upper IntermediateNon AQF Award10
General English (ELICOS) ElementaryNon AQF Award10
General English (Pre-Intermediate to Advanced) (4/10/15/20/25/30/40 weeks)Non AQF Award40
IELTS Preparation Course (Upper -Intermediate) 10 weeksNon AQF Award10
Year 11 VCESenior Secondary Certificate of Education52
Year 11 VCE (Business Studies/Humanities)Senior Secondary Certificate of Education52
Year 11 VCE (Science & Technology)Senior Secondary Certificate of Education52
Year 12 VCE (Business Studies/Humanities)Senior Secondary Certificate of Education52
Year 12 VCE (Science & Technology)Senior Secondary Certificate of Education52

Choice Business College | Level 6, 341 Queen Street Melbourne Vic 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 03444C

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of AccountingAdvanced Diploma48
Advanced Diploma of BusinessAdvanced Diploma44
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and ManagementAdvanced Diploma49
Certificate III in BusinessCertificate III31
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryCertificate III46
Certificate III in Spoken and Written EnglishCertificate III27
Certificate IV in AccountingCertificate IV40
Certificate IV in BusinessCertificate IV40
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryCertificate IV75
Certificate IV in Leadership and ManagementCertificate IV30
Certificate IV in New Small BusinessCertificate IV28
Certificate IV in Spoken and Written English – Further StudiesCertificate IV22
Diploma of AccountingDiploma40
Diploma of BusinessDiploma30
Diploma of Hospitality ManagementDiploma62
Diploma of Human Resources ManagementDiploma32
Diploma of Leadership and ManagementDiploma49
Graduate Diploma of Strategic LeadershipGraduate Diploma52

Clinton Institute | 1101/343 Little Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000 | CRICOS Provider Code 03540C

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and ManagementAdvanced Diploma52
Certificate IV in HospitalityCertificate IV54
Diploma of BusinessDiploma52
Diploma of Hospitality ManagementDiploma104
General English – Starter to AdvancedNon AQF Award74

College of Complementary Medicine | Medley Hall, Uni of Melb, 48 Drummond St, Carlton 3053  | CRICOS Provider Code 02939K

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of Integrative Complementary MedicineAdvanced Diploma96
Diploma of KinesiologyDiploma48
Diploma of Leadership in Expressive Arts and Group WorkDiploma42
Diploma of Mind Body MedicineDiploma73
Diploma of Mind Body MedicineDiploma48

Crown College | Level 3 Haig St Southbank VIC 3006 | CRICOS Provider Code 03582D