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Universities and Higher Education providers in Tasmania
Alphacrucis College – Hobart Campus | 45 Melville St, Hobart TAS 7000 | CRICOS Provider Code 00958A
Course Name | Level | Duration (Wks) |
Associate Degree in Ministry | Associate Degree | 104 |
Bachelor of Applied Social Science | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Business | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Ministry | Bachelor Degree | 46 |
Bachelor of Ministry | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Theology | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Certificate IV in Ministry (Insert Stream) | Certificate IV | 46 |
Diploma of Arts | Diploma | 52 |
Diploma of Business | Diploma | 52 |
Diploma of Chaplaincy | Diploma | 52 |
Diploma of Leadership | Diploma | 52 |
Diploma of Leadership (insert stream) | Diploma | 46 |
Diploma of Ministry | Diploma | 52 |
Diploma of Ministry (Insert Stream) | Diploma | 46 |
Graduate Certificate in Arts | Graduate Certificate | 26 |
Graduate Certificate in Leadership | Graduate Certificate | 26 |
Graduate Certificate of Education (Leadership) | Graduate Certificate | 26 |
Graduate Diploma in Arts | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Diploma of Applied Social Science | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Certificate of Education | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 26 |
Master of Arts | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Education | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 52 |
Master of Education (Leadership) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 52 |
Master of Leadership | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
University of Tasmania (UTas) | Churchill Avenue, Sandy Bay, Hobart 7000 | CRICOS Provider Code 00586B
Course Name | Level | Duration (Wks) |
Associate Degree in Applied Science | Associate Degree | 104 |
Associate Degree in General Studies | Associate Degree | 104 |
Associate Degree in Science | Associate Degree | 104 |
Associate Degree of Information and Communication Technology | Associate Degree | 104 |
AMC – Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Engineering) | Bachelor Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Agricultural Science | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Agriculture and Business) | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Arts | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Computing | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Economics | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Fine Arts | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws | Bachelor Degree | 260 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Biotechnology | Bachelor Degree | 148 |
Bachelor of Business | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Business – Bachelor of Economics | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Business Administration | Bachelor Degree | 126 |
Bachelor of Business Administration (Hospitality Management) | Bachelor Degree | 104 |
Bachelor of Business Administration (Hospitality Management) | Bachelor Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Business Administration (Tourism Management) | Bachelor Degree | 104 |
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Laws | Bachelor Degree | 260 |
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Computing and Bachelor of Science | Bachelor Degree | 200 |
Bachelor of Design | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Economics | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Laws | Bachelor Degree | 260 |
Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Science | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Education – Early Childhood | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Education – Primary | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Engineering | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Engineering Technology | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Fine Arts | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of General Studies | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology and Bachelor of Laws | Bachelor Degree | 260 |
Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology and Bachelor of Science | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology and Bachelor of Visual Communication | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Information Systems | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Laws | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Legal Studies | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Marine and Antarctic Science | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Marine Science | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Media | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Medical Research | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Medical Science | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery | Bachelor Degree | 260 |
Bachelor of Music | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Laws | Bachelor Degree | 260 |
Bachelor of Natural Environment and Wilderness Studies | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Nursing (Fast Track) | Bachelor Degree | 104 |
Bachelor of Pharmacy | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Pharmacy | Bachelor Degree | 182 |
Bachelor of Philosophy | Bachelor Degree | 78 |
Bachelor of Psychological Science | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Psychological Science and Bachelor of Laws | Bachelor Degree | 260 |
Bachelor of Science | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws | Bachelor Degree | 260 |
Bachelor of Social Science | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Social Science (Police Studies) | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Social Work | Bachelor Degree | 104 |
Bachelor of Social Work with Honours | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Surveying and Spatial Science | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Visual Communication | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Agricultural Science with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Agriculture (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 260 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Economics with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 260 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 260 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 260 |
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Biotechnology and Medical Research (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Business (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Economics with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 260 |
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 260 |
Bachelor of Business(Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Economics (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Economics (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Science with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 260 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Justice Studies | Bachelor Honours Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Justice Studies (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Legal Studies (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Marine and Antarctic Science (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Marine and Antarctic Science with Honours (Specialisation) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Marine Science with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Media (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Medical Research (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Medical Research with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Medical Science with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Music (Elite) with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Music (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Music with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Natural Environment & Wilderness Studies (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Psychological Science with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 260 |
Bachelor of Social Science with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 204 |
Bachelor of Surveying and Spatial Science with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Visual Communication (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Diploma of Aviation Studies | Diploma | 52 |
Doctor of Business Administration | Doctoral Degree | 156 |
Doctor of Education | Doctoral Degree | 156 |
Doctor of Education | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Health | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Health | Doctoral Degree | 156 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Agriculture) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Architecture and Urban Environment) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Biological Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Biomedical Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Building Services Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Chemical Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Engineering) | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Creative Arts) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Dementia Studies) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Earth Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Economics) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Education) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Electrical Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Electronic Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Environmental Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Environmental Studies) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Fisheries Studies) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Geomatic Engineering) | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Human Movement) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Information Systems) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Information Technology) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Law) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Management and Commerce) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Management) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Maritime Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematical Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Mechanical Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Science) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Studies) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Music) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Pharmacy) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Physical Science) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Physics and Astronomy) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Psychology) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Quantitative Antarctic Science) and Graduate Diploma of Marine and Antarctic Science | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Quantitative Marine Science) and Graduate Certificate of Marine Sciences | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Quantitative Marine Science) and Graduate Diploma of Marine and Antarctic Science | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Quantitative Marine Science) and Graduate Diploma of Marine Sciences | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Society and Culture) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Structural Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Psychology (Clinical) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Graduate Certificate in Arts (Specialisation) | Graduate Certificate | 26 |
Graduate Certificate in Business Studies | Graduate Certificate | 26 |
Graduate Certificate in Fine Art and Design (Specialisation) | Graduate Certificate | 26 |
Graduate Certificate in International Business | Graduate Certificate | 26 |
Graduate Certificate in International Politics | Graduate Certificate | 22 |
Graduate Certificate in Journalism, Media and Communications | Graduate Certificate | 26 |
Graduate Certificate in Marketing | Graduate Certificate | 26 |
Graduate Certificate in Music (Specialisation) | Graduate Certificate | 22 |
Graduate Certificate in Police Studies | Graduate Certificate | 22 |
Graduate Certificate in Professional Accounting | Graduate Certificate | 26 |
Graduate Certificate in Public Administration (International) | Graduate Certificate | 22 |
Graduate Certificate in Public Policy | Graduate Certificate | 22 |
Graduate Certificate in Visual Communication | Graduate Certificate | 26 |
Graduate Certificate of Business Administration | Graduate Certificate | 26 |
Graduate Certificate of Counselling | Graduate Certificate | 22 |
Graduate Certificate of Management | Graduate Certificate | 26 |
Graduate Diploma in Counselling | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Diploma in International Politics | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Diploma in Music (Specialisation) | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Diploma in Pathology | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Diploma in Police Studies | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Diploma in Public Policy | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Counselling | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Diploma of Arts (Specialisation) | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Diploma of Arts (Specialisation) | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Diploma of Business Administration | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Diploma of Environmental Management | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Diploma of Environmental Planning | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Diploma of Fine Art and Design (Specialisation) | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Diploma of Information and Communication Technology | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Diploma of Journalism, Media and Communications | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Diploma of Land Surveying | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice | Graduate Diploma | 26 |
Graduate Diploma of Marine and Antarctic Science | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Diploma of Medical Research (Specialisation) | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Diploma of Pharmaceutical Science | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Diploma of Professional Music Practice | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Diploma of Public Administration (International) | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Diploma of Visual Communication | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Master of Applied Science (Agricultural Science) (C/w) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Applied Science (Biological Sciences) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Applied Science (Chemistry) (C/w) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Applied Science (Environmental Management and Spatial Sciences) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Applied Science (Food Safety) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Applied Science (Microbiology) (c/w) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Applied Science (Physics) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Arts (Specialisation) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Arts (Specialisation) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Business (Specialisation) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Business Administration – Specialisation (C/w) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Business Administration (Coursework) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Business Administration (International) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Clinical Leadership (Nursing) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Counselling (Honours) (Coursework) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Criminology and Corrections | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Economic Geology (C/W) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Electronic Business | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 52 |
Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Environmental Governance (Oceans, Polar and Climate) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 52 |
Master of Environmental Management (C/w) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Finance | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Finance (Specialisation) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Fine Art and Design | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Information Technology and Systems | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of International Business | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 74 |
Master of International Business (specialisation) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of International Politics | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Journalism, Media and Communications | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 102 |
Master of Logistics Management (Advanced) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Management | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Marine and Antarctic Science | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Marine and Antarctic Science | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Marketing (specialisation) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Marketing Management | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Marketing Management (Advanced) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Medical Research (Specialisation) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Music (C/work) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Music Studies | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Pharmaceutical Science | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Planning | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Police Studies (C/w) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Professional Accounting – Specialisation (C/w) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Professional Accounting (Coursework) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Professional Engineering (Specialisation) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 156 |
Master of Professional Psychology | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 52 |
Master of Protected Area Governance and Management | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Psychology (Clinical)(Coursework) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Public Administration (International) (C/w) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Public Health | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Public Policy (C/w) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Social Work | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Teaching | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Visual Communication | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Agricultural Science | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Arts | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Biomedical Science | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Commerce | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Design | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Economics | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Education | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Education (Honours) | Masters Degree (Research) | 78 |
Master of Engineering Science | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Environmental Studies | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Fine Arts | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Laws | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Medical Science | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Medical Science (Dementia Studies) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Medical Science (Health) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Music | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Nursing | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Pharmacy | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Philosophy (Maritime Engineering) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Science (Biological Sciences) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Science (Chemical Sciences) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Science (Computer Engineering) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Science (Computing) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Science (Earth Sciences) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Science (Geomatic Engineering) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Science (Mathematical Sciences) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Science (Natural and Physical Sciences) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Science (Physics and Astronomy) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Science (Social Sciences) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Science in Exploration Geoscience | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Social Work | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Spatial Information Science (Research) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
English Language Courses 5 – 40 weeks | Non AQF Award | 40 |
Exchange Program | Non AQF Award | 22 |
Exchange Program | Non AQF Award | 52 |
Foundation Studies | Non AQF Award | 32 |
Introductory Academic Program (IAP- 4-6 weeks) | Non AQF Award | 6 |
Study Abroad | Non AQF Award | 26 |
Study Abroad | Non AQF Award | 52 |
UTASAccess – Direct Entry | Non AQF Award | 40 |
UTASAccess – English | Non AQF Award | 40 |
Course Name | Level | Duration (Wks) |
Advanced Diploma of Applied Science (Marine Electrical Engineering) | Advanced Diploma | 156 |
Advanced Diploma of Applied Science (Marine Engineering) | Advanced Diploma | 156 |
Advanced Diploma of Applied Science (Nautical Science) | Advanced Diploma | 182 |
Advanced Diploma of Applied Science (Nautical Science) | Advanced Diploma | 182 |
Associate Degree in Applied Science | Associate Degree | 104 |
Associate Degree in Applied Science (Marine Environment) | Associate Degree | 104 |
Associate Degree in Aquaculture | Associate Degree | 104 |
Associate Degree in Design | Associate Degree | 104 |
Associate Degree in Furniture Design | Associate Degree | 104 |
Associate Degree in General Studies | Associate Degree | 104 |
Associate Degree in Global Logistics and Maritime Management | Associate Degree | 104 |
Associate Degree in Science | Associate Degree | 104 |
Associate Degree of Information and Communication Technology | Associate Degree | 104 |
AMC – Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Engineering) | Bachelor Degree | 52 |
AMC – Bachelor of Applied Science (Maritime Technology Management) | Bachelor Degree | 155 |
AMC – Bachelor of Business (Maritime and Logistics Management) | Bachelor Degree | 148 |
AMC – Bachelor of Engineering (Marine & Offshore Engineering) | Bachelor Degree | 200 |
AMC – Bachelor of Engineering (Naval Architecture) | Bachelor Degree | 200 |
AMC – Bachelor of Engineering (Ocean Engineering) | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Applied Science | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Environmental Science) | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Food Science and Innovation) | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Electrical Engineering) | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Engineering) | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Environment) | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Nautical Science) | Bachelor Degree | 234 |
Bachelor of Architecture & Built Environments | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Arts | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Computing | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Business | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Business Administration | Bachelor Degree | 126 |
Bachelor of Business Administration (Hospitality Management) | Bachelor Degree | 104 |
Bachelor of Business Administration (Hospitality Management) | Bachelor Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Business Administration (Tourism Management) | Bachelor Degree | 104 |
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Computing and Bachelor of Science | Bachelor Degree | 200 |
Bachelor of Contemporary Arts | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Design | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Education – Early Childhood | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Education – Primary | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education) | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Education (HPE and Outdoor Education) | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science with Clinical Honours in Exercise Physiology | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Exercise Science | Bachelor Degree | 182 |
Bachelor of General Studies | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Global Logistics & Maritime Management | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Health Science | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Health Science (Exercise Science) | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Health Science (Nutrition) | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Health Science and Bachelor of Teaching | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology and Bachelor of Science | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Information Systems | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine | Bachelor Degree | 182 |
Bachelor of Marine and Antarctic Science | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Natural Environment and Wilderness Studies | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Nursing | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Nursing (Fast Track) | Bachelor Degree | 104 |
Bachelor of Nutrition Science | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Philosophy | Bachelor Degree | 78 |
Bachelor of Psychological Science | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Social Science | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Social Science (Police Studies) | Bachelor Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Social Work | Bachelor Degree | 104 |
Bachelor of Social Work with Honours | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Environment) with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Maritime Technology Management)(Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 260 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Economics with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 260 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 260 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 260 |
Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Economics with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 260 |
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 260 |
Bachelor of Business(Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Contemporary Arts (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Science with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 260 |
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Marine & Offshore Engineering) (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Naval Architecture) (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Ocean Engineering) (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Specialisation) with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Environmental Design (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Environmental Science with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Exercise Physiology (Professional Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Global Logistics & Maritime Management (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Global Logistics and Maritime Management with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Justice Studies | Bachelor Honours Degree | 156 |
Bachelor of Justice Studies (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Marine and Antarctic Science (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Medical Research (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Natural Environment & Wilderness Studies (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Psychological Science with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) | Bachelor Honours Degree | 52 |
Bachelor of Social Science with Honours | Bachelor Honours Degree | 204 |
Bachelor of Environmental Design with Honours (Interior Design) | Diploma | 52 |
Diploma of Global Logistics and Maritime Management | Diploma | 52 |
AMC – Doctor of Philosophy (Business and Management) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 260 |
AMC – Doctor of Philosophy (Marine Environment) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 260 |
AMC – Doctor of Philosophy (Maritime Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 260 |
AMC – Doctor of Philosophy and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Business Administration | Doctoral Degree | 156 |
Doctor of Education | Doctoral Degree | 156 |
Doctor of Education | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Education (Research) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Health | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Health | Doctoral Degree | 156 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Agriculture) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Architecture and Urban Environment) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Biological Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Biomedical Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Building Services Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Chemical Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Engineering) | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Creative Arts) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Dementia Studies) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Earth Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Economics) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Education) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Electrical Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Electronic Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Environmental Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Environmental Studies) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Fisheries Studies) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Geomatic Engineering) | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Human Movement) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Information Systems) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Information Technology) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Law) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Management and Commerce) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Management) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Marine Craft Operation) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Maritime Engineering and Technology) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Maritime Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematical Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Mechanical Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Science) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Studies) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Physical Science) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Physics and Astronomy) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Psychology) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Quantitative Antarctic Science) and Graduate Diploma of Marine and Antarctic Science | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Quantitative Marine Science) and Graduate Diploma of Marine and Antarctic Science | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Quantitative Marine Science) and Graduate Diploma of Marine Sciences | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Society and Culture) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Structural Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
AMC – Graduate Certificate in Applied Science (Marine Environment) | Graduate Certificate | 26 |
AMC – Graduate Certificate in Maritime and Logistics management | Graduate Certificate | 26 |
Graduate Certificate in Education (TESOL) | Graduate Certificate | 26 |
Graduate Certificate of Management | Graduate Certificate | 26 |
Graduate Certificate of Maritime Engineering (Naval Engineering) | Graduate Certificate | 26 |
Graduate Certificate of Maritime Engineering (Technology Management) | Graduate Certificate | 26 |
AMC – Graduate Diploma of Applied Science (Marine Environment) | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
AMC – Graduate Diploma of Maritime and Logistics Management | Graduate Diploma | 208 |
Graduate Diploma of Business Administration | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Diploma of Laboratory Medicine | Graduate Diploma | 78 |
Graduate Diploma of Marine and Antarctic Science | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Diploma of Maritime Engineering (Naval Engineering) | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
Graduate Diploma of Maritime Engineering (Technology Management) | Graduate Diploma | 52 |
AMC – Master of Applied Science (Marine Environment) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
AMC – Master of Applied Science (Marine Environment) with Honours | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
MC – Master of Business Administration (Maritime and Logistics Management) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
AMC – Master of Philosophy | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Applied Science (Food Safety) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Applied Science (Physics) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Architecture | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Biomedical Science | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Business Administration (Advanced) (Maritime and Logistics Management) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Business Administration (Marine Environment and Management) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Business Administration (Maritime Technology and Management) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Business Administration (Shipping and Maritime Management) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Contemporary Arts (Specialisation) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Education (TESOL) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Engineering (Maritime Design) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Finance | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Information Technology and Systems | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Interactive Design and Technology | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Laboratory Medicine | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Logistics Management (Advanced) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Management | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Marine and Antarctic Science | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Maritime Engineering (Naval Engineering) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Maritime Engineering (Technology Management) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Nursing (International) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Philosophy (Marine Craft Operation) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Professional Accounting – Specialisation (C/w) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Professional Accounting (Coursework) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 78 |
Master of Social Work | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Teaching | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
AMC – Master of Philosophy (Business and Management) | Masters Degree (Research) | 156 |
AMC – Master of Philosophy (Maritime Engineering) | Masters Degree (Research) | 156 |
Master of Agricultural Science | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Applied Science in Aquaculture | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Architecture | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Arts | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Biomedical Science | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Commerce | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Design | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Economics | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Education | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Education (Honours) | Masters Degree (Research) | 78 |
Master of Engineering Science | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Environmental Studies | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Fine Arts | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Laws | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Medical Science | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Medical Science (Dementia Studies) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Medical Science (Health) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Nursing | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Pharmacy | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Philosophy (Marine Conservation) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Philosophy (Maritime Engineering and Technology) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Philosophy (Maritime Engineering) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Philosophy (Maritime Logistics Management) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Science (Biological Sciences) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Science (Chemical Sciences) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Science (Computer Engineering) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Science (Computing) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Science (Earth Sciences) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Science (Geomatic Engineering) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Science (Mathematical Sciences) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Science (Natural and Physical Sciences) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Science (Physics and Astronomy) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Science (Social Sciences) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Science in Exploration Geoscience | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Social Work | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
English Language Courses 5 – 40 weeks | Non AQF Award | 40 |
Exchange Program | Non AQF Award | 22 |
Exchange Program | Non AQF Award | 52 |
Introductory Academic Program (IAP- 4-6 weeks) | Non AQF Award | 6 |
Study Abroad | Non AQF Award | 26 |
Study Abroad | Non AQF Award | 52 |
UTASAccess – Direct Entry | Non AQF Award | 40 |
UTASAccess – English | Non AQF Award | 40 |
UTASAccess – Maritime English Direct Entry | Non AQF Award | 40 |
Course Name | Level | Duration (Wks) |
Bachelor of Education – Early Childhood | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Education – Primary | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Bachelor of Social Work with Honours | Bachelor Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Education | Doctoral Degree | 156 |
Doctor of Education | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Health | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Health | Doctoral Degree | 156 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Agriculture) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Biological Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Chemical Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Engineering) | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Earth Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Education) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Environmental Studies) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Fisheries Studies) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Human Movement) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Science) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Studies) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Physics and Astronomy) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Society and Culture) and Graduate Certificate in Research | Doctoral Degree | 208 |
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) | Masters Degree (Coursework) | 104 |
Master of Agricultural Science | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Arts | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Education | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Environmental Studies | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Medical Science | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Nursing | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Pharmacy | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Science (Biological Sciences) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Science (Natural and Physical Sciences) | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Master of Social Work | Masters Degree (Research) | 104 |
Course Name | Level | Duration (Wks) |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Engineering) | Bachelor Degree | 208 |