Universities and Higher Education providers in Tasmania

Alphacrucis College – Hobart Campus | 45 Melville St, Hobart TAS 7000 | CRICOS Provider Code 00958A

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Associate Degree in MinistryAssociate Degree104
Bachelor of Applied Social ScienceBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of BusinessBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of MinistryBachelor Degree46
Bachelor of MinistryBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of TheologyBachelor Degree156
Certificate IV in Ministry (Insert Stream)Certificate IV46
Diploma of ArtsDiploma52
Diploma of BusinessDiploma52
Diploma of ChaplaincyDiploma52
Diploma of LeadershipDiploma52
Diploma of Leadership (insert stream)Diploma46
Diploma of MinistryDiploma52
Diploma of Ministry (Insert Stream)Diploma46
Graduate Certificate in ArtsGraduate Certificate26
Graduate Certificate in LeadershipGraduate Certificate26
Graduate Certificate of Education (Leadership)Graduate Certificate26
Graduate Diploma in ArtsGraduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma of Applied Social ScienceGraduate Diploma52
Graduate Certificate of EducationMasters Degree (Coursework)26
Master of ArtsMasters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of EducationMasters Degree (Coursework)52
Master of Education (Leadership)Masters Degree (Coursework)52
Master of LeadershipMasters Degree (Coursework)78

University of Tasmania (UTas) | Churchill Avenue, Sandy Bay, Hobart 7000 | CRICOS Provider Code 00586B

Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Associate Degree in Applied ScienceAssociate Degree104
Associate Degree in General StudiesAssociate Degree104
Associate Degree in ScienceAssociate Degree104
Associate Degree of Information and Communication TechnologyAssociate Degree104
AMC – Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Engineering)Bachelor Degree52
Bachelor of Agricultural ScienceBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Applied Science (Agriculture and Business)Bachelor Degree156
Bachelor of ArtsBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of BusinessBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of ComputingBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of EconomicsBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Fine ArtsBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Information and Communication TechnologyBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of LawsBachelor Degree260
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of ScienceBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of BiotechnologyBachelor Degree148
Bachelor of BusinessBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Business – Bachelor of EconomicsBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Business AdministrationBachelor Degree126
Bachelor of Business Administration (Hospitality Management)Bachelor Degree104
Bachelor of Business Administration (Hospitality Management)Bachelor Degree52
Bachelor of Business Administration (Tourism Management)Bachelor Degree104
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Information and Communication TechnologyBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of LawsBachelor Degree260
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of ScienceBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Computing and Bachelor of ScienceBachelor Degree200
Bachelor of DesignBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of EconomicsBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Information and Communication TechnologyBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of LawsBachelor Degree260
Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of ScienceBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Education – Early ChildhoodBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Education – PrimaryBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of EngineeringBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Engineering TechnologyBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Fine ArtsBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of General StudiesBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Information and Communication TechnologyBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology and Bachelor of LawsBachelor Degree260
Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology and Bachelor of ScienceBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology and Bachelor of Visual CommunicationBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Information SystemsBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of LawsBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Legal StudiesBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Marine and Antarctic ScienceBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Marine ScienceBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of MediaBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Medical ResearchBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Medical ScienceBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of SurgeryBachelor Degree260
Bachelor of MusicBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of LawsBachelor Degree260
Bachelor of Natural Environment and Wilderness StudiesBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Nursing (Fast Track)Bachelor Degree104
Bachelor of PharmacyBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of PharmacyBachelor Degree182
Bachelor of PhilosophyBachelor Degree78
Bachelor of Psychological ScienceBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Psychological Science and Bachelor of LawsBachelor Degree260
Bachelor of ScienceBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of LawsBachelor Degree260
Bachelor of Social ScienceBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Social Science (Police Studies)Bachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Social WorkBachelor Degree104
Bachelor of Social Work with HonoursBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Surveying and Spatial ScienceBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Visual CommunicationBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Agricultural Science with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Agriculture (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree260
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Economics with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree260
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Fine Arts with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree260
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree260
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Biotechnology and Medical Research (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Business (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Economics with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree260
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree260
Bachelor of Business(Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Economics (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Economics (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Science with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree260
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Fine Arts with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Justice StudiesBachelor Honours Degree156
Bachelor of Justice Studies (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Legal Studies (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Marine and Antarctic Science (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Marine and Antarctic Science with Honours (Specialisation)Bachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Marine Science with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Media (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Medical Research (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Medical Research with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Medical Science with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Music (Elite) with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Music (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Music with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Natural Environment & Wilderness Studies (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Nursing (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Psychological Science with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Science (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Science (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree260
Bachelor of Social Science with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree204
Bachelor of Surveying and Spatial Science with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Visual Communication (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Diploma of Aviation StudiesDiploma52
Doctor of Business AdministrationDoctoral Degree156
Doctor of EducationDoctoral Degree156
Doctor of EducationDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of HealthDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of HealthDoctoral Degree156
Doctor of Philosophy (Agriculture) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Architecture and Urban Environment) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Biological Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Biomedical Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Building Services Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Chemical Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Engineering)Doctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Creative Arts) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Dementia Studies) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Earth Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Economics) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Education) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Electrical Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Electronic Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Environmental Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Environmental Studies) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Fisheries Studies) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Geomatic Engineering)Doctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Human Movement) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Information Systems) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Information Technology) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Law) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Management and Commerce) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Management) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Maritime Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematical Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Mechanical Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Science) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Studies) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Music) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Pharmacy) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Physical Science) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Physics and Astronomy) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Psychology) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Quantitative Antarctic Science) and Graduate Diploma of Marine and Antarctic ScienceDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Quantitative Marine Science) and Graduate Certificate of Marine SciencesDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Quantitative Marine Science) and Graduate Diploma of Marine and Antarctic ScienceDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Quantitative Marine Science) and Graduate Diploma of Marine SciencesDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Society and Culture) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Structural Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Psychology (Clinical) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Graduate Certificate in Arts (Specialisation)Graduate Certificate26
Graduate Certificate in Business StudiesGraduate Certificate26
Graduate Certificate in Fine Art and Design (Specialisation)Graduate Certificate26
Graduate Certificate in International BusinessGraduate Certificate26
Graduate Certificate in International PoliticsGraduate Certificate22
Graduate Certificate in Journalism, Media and CommunicationsGraduate Certificate26
Graduate Certificate in MarketingGraduate Certificate26
Graduate Certificate in Music (Specialisation)Graduate Certificate22
Graduate Certificate in Police StudiesGraduate Certificate22
Graduate Certificate in Professional AccountingGraduate Certificate26
Graduate Certificate in Public Administration (International)Graduate Certificate22
Graduate Certificate in Public PolicyGraduate Certificate22
Graduate Certificate in Visual CommunicationGraduate Certificate26
Graduate Certificate of Business AdministrationGraduate Certificate26
Graduate Certificate of CounsellingGraduate Certificate22
Graduate Certificate of ManagementGraduate Certificate26
Graduate Diploma in CounsellingGraduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma in International PoliticsGraduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma in Music (Specialisation)Graduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma in PathologyGraduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma in Police StudiesGraduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma in Professional AccountingGraduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma in Public PolicyGraduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma in Rehabilitation CounsellingGraduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma of Arts (Specialisation)Graduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma of Arts (Specialisation)Graduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma of Business AdministrationGraduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma of Environmental ManagementGraduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma of Environmental PlanningGraduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma of Fine Art and Design (Specialisation)Graduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma of Information and Communication TechnologyGraduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma of Journalism, Media and CommunicationsGraduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma of Land SurveyingGraduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma of Legal PracticeGraduate Diploma26
Graduate Diploma of Marine and Antarctic ScienceGraduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma of Medical Research (Specialisation)Graduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma of Pharmaceutical ScienceGraduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma of Professional Music PracticeGraduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma of Public Administration (International)Graduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma of Visual CommunicationGraduate Diploma52
Master of Applied Science (Agricultural Science) (C/w)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Applied Science (Biological Sciences)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Applied Science (Chemistry) (C/w)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Applied Science (Environmental Management and Spatial Sciences)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Applied Science (Food Safety)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Applied Science (Microbiology) (c/w)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Applied Science (Physics)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Arts (Specialisation)Masters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Arts (Specialisation)Masters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Business (Specialisation)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Business Administration – Specialisation (C/w)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Business Administration (Coursework)Masters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Business Administration (International)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Clinical Leadership (Nursing)Masters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Counselling (Honours) (Coursework)Masters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Criminology and CorrectionsMasters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Economic Geology (C/W)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Electronic BusinessMasters Degree (Coursework)52
Master of Entrepreneurship and InnovationMasters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Environmental Governance (Oceans, Polar and Climate)Masters Degree (Coursework)52
Master of Environmental Management (C/w)Masters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of FinanceMasters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Finance (Specialisation)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Fine Art and DesignMasters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Information Technology and SystemsMasters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of International BusinessMasters Degree (Coursework)74
Master of International Business (specialisation)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of International PoliticsMasters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Journalism, Media and CommunicationsMasters Degree (Coursework)102
Master of Logistics Management (Advanced)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of ManagementMasters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Marine and Antarctic ScienceMasters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Marine and Antarctic ScienceMasters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Marketing (specialisation)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Marketing ManagementMasters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Marketing Management (Advanced)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Medical Research (Specialisation)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Music (C/work)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Music StudiesMasters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Pharmaceutical ScienceMasters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of PlanningMasters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Police Studies (C/w)Masters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Professional Accounting – Specialisation (C/w)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Professional Accounting (Coursework)Masters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Professional Engineering (Specialisation)Masters Degree (Coursework)156
Master of Professional PsychologyMasters Degree (Coursework)52
Master of Protected Area Governance and ManagementMasters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Psychology (Clinical)(Coursework)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Public Administration (International) (C/w)Masters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Public HealthMasters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Public Policy (C/w)Masters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Social WorkMasters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Social Work (Qualifying)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of TeachingMasters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Visual CommunicationMasters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Agricultural ScienceMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of ArtsMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of Biomedical ScienceMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of CommerceMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of DesignMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of EconomicsMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of EducationMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of Education (Honours)Masters Degree (Research)78
Master of Engineering ScienceMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of Environmental StudiesMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of Fine ArtsMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of LawsMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of Medical ScienceMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of Medical Science (Dementia Studies)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Medical Science (Health)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of MusicMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of NursingMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of PharmacyMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of Philosophy (Maritime Engineering)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Science (Biological Sciences)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Science (Chemical Sciences)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Science (Computer Engineering)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Science (Computing)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Science (Earth Sciences)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Science (Geomatic Engineering)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Science (Mathematical Sciences)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Science (Natural and Physical Sciences)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Science (Physics and Astronomy)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Science (Social Sciences)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Science in Exploration GeoscienceMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of Social WorkMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of Spatial Information Science (Research)Masters Degree (Research)104
English Language Courses 5 – 40 weeksNon AQF Award40
Exchange ProgramNon AQF Award22
Exchange ProgramNon AQF Award52
Foundation StudiesNon AQF Award32
Introductory Academic Program (IAP- 4-6 weeks)Non AQF Award6
Study AbroadNon AQF Award26
Study AbroadNon AQF Award52
UTASAccess – Direct EntryNon AQF Award40
UTASAccess – EnglishNon AQF Award40
Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of Applied Science (Marine Electrical Engineering)Advanced Diploma156
Advanced Diploma of Applied Science (Marine Engineering)Advanced Diploma156
Advanced Diploma of Applied Science (Nautical Science)Advanced Diploma182
Advanced Diploma of Applied Science (Nautical Science)Advanced Diploma182
Associate Degree in Applied ScienceAssociate Degree104
Associate Degree in Applied Science (Marine Environment)Associate Degree104
Associate Degree in AquacultureAssociate Degree104
Associate Degree in DesignAssociate Degree104
Associate Degree in Furniture DesignAssociate Degree104
Associate Degree in General StudiesAssociate Degree104
Associate Degree in Global Logistics and Maritime ManagementAssociate Degree104
Associate Degree in ScienceAssociate Degree104
Associate Degree of Information and Communication TechnologyAssociate Degree104
AMC – Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Engineering)Bachelor Degree52
AMC – Bachelor of Applied Science (Maritime Technology Management)Bachelor Degree155
AMC – Bachelor of Business (Maritime and Logistics Management)Bachelor Degree148
AMC – Bachelor of Engineering (Marine & Offshore Engineering)Bachelor Degree200
AMC – Bachelor of Engineering (Naval Architecture)Bachelor Degree200
AMC – Bachelor of Engineering (Ocean Engineering)Bachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Applied ScienceBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Applied Science (Environmental Science)Bachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Applied Science (Food Science and Innovation)Bachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Electrical Engineering)Bachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Engineering)Bachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Environment)Bachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Applied Science (Nautical Science)Bachelor Degree234
Bachelor of Architecture & Built EnvironmentsBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of ArtsBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of BusinessBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of ComputingBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Information and Communication TechnologyBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of ScienceBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of BusinessBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Business AdministrationBachelor Degree126
Bachelor of Business Administration (Hospitality Management)Bachelor Degree104
Bachelor of Business Administration (Hospitality Management)Bachelor Degree52
Bachelor of Business Administration (Tourism Management)Bachelor Degree104
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Information and Communication TechnologyBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Computing and Bachelor of ScienceBachelor Degree200
Bachelor of Contemporary ArtsBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of DesignBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Information and Communication TechnologyBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Education – Early ChildhoodBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Education – PrimaryBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education)Bachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Education (HPE and Outdoor Education)Bachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Exercise and Sport ScienceBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science with Clinical Honours in Exercise PhysiologyBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Exercise ScienceBachelor Degree182
Bachelor of General StudiesBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Global Logistics & Maritime ManagementBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Health ScienceBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Health Science (Exercise Science)Bachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Health Science (Nutrition)Bachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Health Science and Bachelor of TeachingBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Information and Communication TechnologyBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology and Bachelor of ScienceBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Information SystemsBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Laboratory MedicineBachelor Degree182
Bachelor of Marine and Antarctic ScienceBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Natural Environment and Wilderness StudiesBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of NursingBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Nursing (Fast Track)Bachelor Degree104
Bachelor of Nutrition ScienceBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of PhilosophyBachelor Degree78
Bachelor of Psychological ScienceBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Social ScienceBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Social Science (Police Studies)Bachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Social WorkBachelor Degree104
Bachelor of Social Work with HonoursBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Environment) with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Applied Science (Maritime Technology Management)(Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree260
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Economics with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree260
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Fine Arts with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree260
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree260
Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Economics with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree260
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree260
Bachelor of Business(Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Contemporary Arts (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Science with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree260
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Engineering (Marine & Offshore Engineering) (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Engineering (Naval Architecture) (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Engineering (Ocean Engineering) (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Engineering (Specialisation) with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Environmental Design (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Environmental Science with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Exercise Physiology (Professional Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Fine Arts with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Global Logistics & Maritime Management (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Global Logistics and Maritime Management with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Health Science (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Justice StudiesBachelor Honours Degree156
Bachelor of Justice Studies (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Marine and Antarctic Science (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Medical Research (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Natural Environment & Wilderness Studies (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Nursing (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Psychological Science with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Social Science with HonoursBachelor Honours Degree204
Bachelor of Environmental Design with Honours (Interior Design)Diploma52
Diploma of Global Logistics and Maritime ManagementDiploma52
AMC – Doctor of Philosophy (Business and Management) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree260
AMC – Doctor of Philosophy (Marine Environment) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree260
AMC – Doctor of Philosophy (Maritime Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree260
AMC – Doctor of Philosophy and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Business AdministrationDoctoral Degree156
Doctor of EducationDoctoral Degree156
Doctor of EducationDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Education (Research) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of HealthDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of HealthDoctoral Degree156
Doctor of Philosophy (Agriculture) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Architecture and Urban Environment) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Biological Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Biomedical Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Building Services Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Chemical Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Engineering)Doctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Creative Arts) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Dementia Studies) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Earth Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Economics) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Education) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Electrical Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Electronic Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Environmental Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Environmental Studies) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Fisheries Studies) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Geomatic Engineering)Doctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Human Movement) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Information Systems) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Information Technology) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Law) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Management and Commerce) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Management) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Marine Craft Operation) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Maritime Engineering and Technology) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Maritime Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematical Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Mechanical Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Science) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Studies) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Physical Science) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Physics and Astronomy) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Psychology) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Quantitative Antarctic Science) and Graduate Diploma of Marine and Antarctic ScienceDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Quantitative Marine Science) and Graduate Diploma of Marine and Antarctic ScienceDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Quantitative Marine Science) and Graduate Diploma of Marine SciencesDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Society and Culture) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Structural Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
AMC – Graduate Certificate in Applied Science (Marine Environment)Graduate Certificate26
AMC – Graduate Certificate in Maritime and Logistics managementGraduate Certificate26
Graduate Certificate in Education (TESOL)Graduate Certificate26
Graduate Certificate of ManagementGraduate Certificate26
Graduate Certificate of Maritime Engineering (Naval Engineering)Graduate Certificate26
Graduate Certificate of Maritime Engineering (Technology Management)Graduate Certificate26
AMC – Graduate Diploma of Applied Science (Marine Environment)Graduate Diploma52
AMC – Graduate Diploma of Maritime and Logistics ManagementGraduate Diploma208
Graduate Diploma of Business AdministrationGraduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma of Laboratory MedicineGraduate Diploma78
Graduate Diploma of Marine and Antarctic ScienceGraduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma of Maritime Engineering (Naval Engineering)Graduate Diploma52
Graduate Diploma of Maritime Engineering (Technology Management)Graduate Diploma52
AMC – Master of Applied Science (Marine Environment)Masters Degree (Coursework)78
AMC – Master of Applied Science (Marine Environment) with HonoursMasters Degree (Coursework)104
MC – Master of Business Administration (Maritime and Logistics Management)Masters Degree (Coursework)78
AMC – Master of PhilosophyMasters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Applied Science (Food Safety)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Applied Science (Physics)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of ArchitectureMasters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Biomedical ScienceMasters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Business Administration (Advanced) (Maritime and Logistics Management)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Business Administration (Marine Environment and Management)Masters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Business Administration (Maritime Technology and Management)Masters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Business Administration (Shipping and Maritime Management)Masters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Contemporary Arts (Specialisation)Masters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Education (TESOL)Masters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Engineering (Maritime Design)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of FinanceMasters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Information Technology and SystemsMasters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Interactive Design and TechnologyMasters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Laboratory MedicineMasters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Logistics Management (Advanced)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of ManagementMasters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Marine and Antarctic ScienceMasters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Maritime Engineering (Naval Engineering)Masters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Maritime Engineering (Technology Management)Masters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Nursing (International)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Philosophy (Marine Craft Operation)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Professional Accounting – Specialisation (C/w)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Professional Accounting (Coursework)Masters Degree (Coursework)78
Master of Social WorkMasters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Social Work (Qualifying)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of TeachingMasters Degree (Coursework)104
AMC – Master of Philosophy (Business and Management)Masters Degree (Research)156
AMC – Master of Philosophy (Maritime Engineering)Masters Degree (Research)156
Master of Agricultural ScienceMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of Applied Science in AquacultureMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of ArchitectureMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of ArtsMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of Biomedical ScienceMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of CommerceMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of DesignMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of EconomicsMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of EducationMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of Education (Honours)Masters Degree (Research)78
Master of Engineering ScienceMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of Environmental StudiesMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of Fine ArtsMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of LawsMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of Medical ScienceMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of Medical Science (Dementia Studies)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Medical Science (Health)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of NursingMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of PharmacyMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of Philosophy (Marine Conservation)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Philosophy (Maritime Engineering and Technology)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Philosophy (Maritime Engineering)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Philosophy (Maritime Logistics Management)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Science (Biological Sciences)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Science (Chemical Sciences)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Science (Computer Engineering)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Science (Computing)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Science (Earth Sciences)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Science (Geomatic Engineering)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Science (Mathematical Sciences)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Science (Natural and Physical Sciences)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Science (Physics and Astronomy)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Science (Social Sciences)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Science in Exploration GeoscienceMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of Social WorkMasters Degree (Research)104
English Language Courses 5 – 40 weeksNon AQF Award40
Exchange ProgramNon AQF Award22
Exchange ProgramNon AQF Award52
Introductory Academic Program (IAP- 4-6 weeks)Non AQF Award6
Study AbroadNon AQF Award26
Study AbroadNon AQF Award52
UTASAccess – Direct EntryNon AQF Award40
UTASAccess – EnglishNon AQF Award40
UTASAccess – Maritime English Direct EntryNon AQF Award40
Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Bachelor of Education – Early ChildhoodBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Education – PrimaryBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Social Work with HonoursBachelor Degree208
Doctor of EducationDoctoral Degree156
Doctor of EducationDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of HealthDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of HealthDoctoral Degree156
Doctor of Philosophy (Agriculture) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Biological Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Chemical Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Engineering)Doctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Earth Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Education) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Environmental Studies) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Fisheries Studies) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Human Movement) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Science) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Studies) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Physics and Astronomy) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Doctor of Philosophy (Society and Culture) and Graduate Certificate in ResearchDoctoral Degree208
Master of Social Work (Qualifying)Masters Degree (Coursework)104
Master of Agricultural ScienceMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of ArtsMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of EducationMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of Environmental StudiesMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of Medical ScienceMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of NursingMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of PharmacyMasters Degree (Research)104
Master of Science (Biological Sciences)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Science (Natural and Physical Sciences)Masters Degree (Research)104
Master of Social WorkMasters Degree (Research)104
Course NameLevelDuration (Wks)
Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Engineering)Bachelor Degree208